I found this searching for information about archangels and must say that steliart.com is one of the best angel sites I've come across. See below a page from
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The Archangels are the captains of all the angelic hosts, having been created as the foremost hierarchs in the angelic kingdom. They are majestic beings who personify divine attributes and are at the service of the mankind of earth. They work tirelessly to defeat evil and promote good. The Archangels have divine complements or twin flames, just as people do. Their feminine counterparts are called Archeiai. (The singular noun is Archeia, and the plural is Archeiai.) Together the Archangels and Archeiai focus the masculine and feminine, or alpha and omega, polarities of the particular color, or ray, of spiritual light on which they serve. Praying to one always invokes the assistance of the other as well.
The Archangels predate us by millions of years and are reported to have been our first teachers on the spiritual path. They are also described as divine architects, whom God uses to draft and execute the plans for his projects. They are cosmic builders and designers in the grandest sense of the word, arcing to our minds the divine blueprint for every endeavor, from the smallest to the greatest.
All of the Archangels are also healers who come as master surgeons to mend our souls and four lower bodies - etheric, mental, emotional and physical. Imagine the power of the Archangels, who for millions of years have done nothing but affirm the reality of God and expand spiritual light in their being. Then when they are in our midst, they minister to us and purify us by transmitting the immense increments of light that they have garnered. Using this boost of energy from the angels properly can help us make much greater progress in our daily life and on the spiritual path.
The Seven Rays of Enlightenment
The most familiar Archangels serve on the seven rays of spiritual light that correspond to the light focused within the seven major chakras in man.
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First Ray - Blue Ray
Faith, Protection,
God's Will
Tuesday - Throat Chakra
First Ray - Blue Ray
Faith, Protection,
God's Will
Archangel Michael is revered within the Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions. Michael’s name means, “Who is like God.” In Joshua 5:13-15, he appeared as a man with a sword in his hand who identified himself as the captain of the Lord’s host. In Revelation 12:7, he is named as the archangel who cast Satan out of heaven.
Michael and his divine complement, Faith, serve on the blue ray of spiritual light. They can assist in purifying and strengthening the throat Chakra and in mastering all blue-ray qualities. The blue ray provides us with spiritual and physical protection and is pivotal to the proper expression of power and leadership. It is also essential for developing faith and attuning to the divine will and one’s divine plan.
Here’s a quick fiat that you can give to Archangel Michael if you are ever in personal distress and need immediate assistance. It can be especially helpful in traffic mishaps and difficult situations of all kinds when no other help is in sight. Giving this call in the full fervor of your being will bring Archangel Michael instantly to your side.
Archangel Michael,
Help me! Help me! Help me!
Second Ray - Yellow Ray
Wisdom, Illumination, Constancy
Sunday - Crown Chakra CHRISTINE
Second Ray - Yellow Ray
Wisdom, Illumination, Constancy | |
Archangel Jophiel, Archeia Christine and their bands of angels serve on the yellow ray of illumination. Jophiel means “Beauty of God.” Christine infuses matter with the light of the Christ consciousness. Jophiel and Christine aid people with wisdom, understanding, inspiration, discernment, discrimination, knowing the mind of God and all activities related to the crown Chakra.
If you need more sharpness of mind for passing exams, inspiration for projects at work or an understanding of how to resolve a conflict, you can ask Jophiel and Christine for help. They can also rescue people from ignorance or spiritual blindness that might keep them from fulfilling their souls’ highest potential.
Here’s a quick fiat to give for any situation in your life that needs more insight, clarity or illumination.
Archangel Jophiel and Christine,
Blaze illumination’s flame through me!
Third Ray - Pink Ray - Ruby Ray
Love, Adoration, Gratitude
Monday - Heart Chakra
Third Ray - Pink Ray - Ruby Ray
Love, Adoration, Gratitude
Archangel Chamuel and Archeia Charity serve on the pink ray of divine love. Chamuel’s name means “He who seeks God.” Chamuel characterized himself as “God’s pure love in winged manifestation.” He is the angel mentioned in Luke 22:43 who strengthened Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Chamuel and Charity are powerful emissaries of divinity and among the most fiery and intense of the archangels in their expression of love. Together they embody the great heart and love of the Father-Mother God for all creation. They help souls develop the heart Chakra and give assistance in all matters of the heart. These include compassion, better communications, a balanced love of self, the extension of oneself to others, and the creation of beauty through the arts. The healing of losses or schisms in family relationships or with friends can also take place with the help of these angels.
Aside from working with people in particular instances, Archangel Chamuel, Archeia Charity and their angels are involved in a more overarching work to reunite twin flames. You can call to these archangels to help you with discovering your divine mission with your twin flame. You can also ask them to help you gain mastery on the ray of love and to facilitate things running smoothly in your everyday life.
A powerful fiat to call them into action in situations of personal need or any division between individuals is:
Chamuel and Charity,
Let divine love take dominion now!
Fourth Ray - White Ray - Resurrection Flame
Purity, Harmony, Poise
Friday - Base of the Spine HOPE
Fourth Ray - White Ray - Resurrection Flame
Purity, Harmony, Poise | |
Archangel Gabriel, whose name means “God is my strength” or “Man of God,” serves on the white ray of purity. Gabriel is recognized by the three major Western religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In Islam, he is the angel who delivered the Koran to Muhammad; in Christianity, he is the angel messenger who announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of Christ.
Archangel Gabriel and his twin flame, Archeia Hope, assist light-bearers in working with the light in the base-of-the-spine Chakra and in mastering qualities of the white ray—purity, order, hope, joy and discipline. The seraphim of God also serve with Gabriel and Hope. The seraphim come bearing the light of the Father-Mother God. They can literally place their presence over us and we can absorb that light and energy into our bodies as a sponge absorbs water. When we desire to unite with divine consciousness through purity of body, mind and soul, these angels can help us raise the kundalini to achieve that goal.
Gabriel, who is often depicted with a trumpet, is the archangel of the annunciation, heralding to each soul of light the good news of the path of the ascension and their ultimate union with God. He has made that announcement to many of us, resulting in the sudden realization that we are being called home and have much work to do to balance our karma and achieve that end. Regarding working toward this goal, Gabriel has emphasized that serious spiritual seekers should determine to know, to have and to hold light, and to be the servant of light while they are becoming masters of the light.
You can give the following fiat to fill yourself with light, energize your spiritual path and help propel you to your ascension.
In the name of Gabriel and Hope,
I AM a holy one of God!
Fifth Ray - Green Ray
Truth, Healing, Science
Wednesday - Third Eye
Fifth Ray - Green Ray
Truth, Healing, Science
Archangel Raphael, whose name means “God has healed” or “God shall heal,” serves on the emerald green ray, the fifth ray. The Zohar, a Jewish mystical text, says that Raphael is charged with healing the earth as well as healing men. In Christianity, he is revered as the angel who healed the sick at the pool of Bethesda.
The divine complement of Raphael is Mary, the mother of Christ. The ascended masters have revealed that God called Mary, an archeia, to take embodiment so that she could some day be Jesus’ mother. In preparation for this mission, Mary served long ago on Atlantis and worked in the healing temples of that continent. She is sometimes called by other names such as Mother Mary, the Blessed Virgin and Queen of the Angels. Mother Mary holds the immaculate concept for each soul on earth. You can call to her to help you attune to your innate divinity. Rosaries are frequently given as a powerful way of invoking her assistance.
Archangel Raphael and Mary work with students in mastering the light of the third-eye Chakra. This Chakra and the green ray deal with wholeness, vision, truth, healing, science, holding the immaculate concept for oneself and others, and the desire to manifest the abundant life on earth. These archangels can also provide inspiration to musicians, singers and composers for the creation of healing and inspirational music.
You can also call to Mary and Raphael for healing in times of illness, when you need the vision for a particular project, or when an increase of resources would enable you to better fulfill your mission. And you can call to them to heal your soul of present difficulties or past traumas. Following is a brief prayer for healing you can give anytime:
Raphael and Mary, I ask for
[name yourself and/or another person]
to be healed of [name the condition/s],
in accordance with God’s holy will.
I AM God’s perfection manifest
In body, mind and soul -
I AM God’s direction flowing
To heal and keep me whole!
Sixth Ray - Purple and Gold Ray - Ruby Ray
Peace, Ministration, Service
Thursday - Solar Plexis AURORA
Sixth Ray - Purple and Gold Ray - Ruby Ray
Peace, Ministration, Service | |
Archangel Uriel’s name means “Fire of God” or “God is my Light.” He is mentioned in some Judeo-Christian books. For example, in the apocryphal text the Second Book of Esdras, Uriel is known as the archangel of salvation.
Uriel and his twin flame, Aurora, serve on the purple and gold ray, the sixth ray, and they tutor individuals in gaining mastery in the solar-plexus Chakra. This sixth ray is the ray of service and ministration, peace, brotherhood, resurrection and divine judgment of all that is evil. The purple and gold ray is flecked with ruby, which adds the intense action of divine love. It brings forth the desire to gain self-mastery in one’s Christ consciousness in order to serve both God and man.
Uriel and Aurora bring vibrations of peace and brotherhood wherever they are called. Whenever there is the need to soothe disagreements or to bring about brotherhood between people, they want to help Wielding the power of discriminating judgment carried by the light of this ray, Uriel and Aurora separate the real from the unreal and their angels bind all that is not of the light in individuals and in the earth.
To help us accomplish our goals in this life, Archangel Uriel told us to affirm that God is one with our true Self by using the fiat: Peace, be still and know that I AM God! Using this fiat can bring the light of the sixth-ray archangels into your world in a powerful way. It sets the tone for overcoming all that is less than the Christ consciousness within us. You can give it as many times as needed to feel the energy in your solar plexus Chakra and consciousness literally shift and become more peaceful.
In the name of Archangel Uriel and Aurora, Peace,
be still and know that I AM God!
Seventh Ray - Violet Ray
Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation
Saturday - Seat of the Soul
Seventh Ray - Violet Ray
Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation
Archangel Zadkiel and his feminine complement, Holy Amethyst, embody the spirit of the violet ray, the seventh ray, and the age of Aquarius. Zadkiel’s name means “Righteousness of God.” He and Holy Amethyst assist humanity in mastering the seat-of-the-soul Chakra.
These archangels bring the flame of freedom, joy, forgiveness, alchemy, justice, transmutation and liberation of the soul. We can enhance these qualities of the violet ray in our lives by invoking the violet flame through the science of the spoken Word.
Using the violet flame can erase past memories, bring forgiveness and increase the spirit of joy within us. And each time we call on Zadkiel and Amethyst, who embody the violet flame, we bring change to the earth and ourselves, come closer to merging with our Christ Self and help prepare the world for the incoming golden age. According to Archangel Zadkiel, the success of the age of Aquarius is absolutely dependent upon our invoking the violet flame and a single call to the violet flame can be worth a million prayers.
You can call on Zadkiel and Amethyst to help purify you from past karma and to bring new vitality to your life. While giving the following affirmations, visualize the violet flame wiping away obstacles to your soul’s liberation:
In the name of Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst,
I AM the violet flame in action in me now!
I AM the blessing and buoyancy of the violet flame!
I AM freedom from limitation!