
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Essential oils for Archangel Chamuel

all angel art by Marius Michael-George
Essential oils are a wonderful way to connect with angels, and of course the quality of the oils is essential when wanting a pure connection, but as long as you have the right intention and use the same oil or oils each time when trying to connect with the same angel or Archangel, you should be fine.
By using the same oils each time the brain remembers the scent and the connection more clearly, and the connection is stronger.

For love and aligning with the angelic realms
Chamuel embodies the principle of pure unconditional love

Archangel Chamuel’s name means ‘he who sees God’ or ‘he who seeks God’.  Archangel Chamuel is a ‘protector’ who oversees the protection of the world at large, as well as over our individual lives.

Archangel Chamuel assists us when we seek the important parts of our lives such as; relationships with friends, loved ones and others, as well as our relationships with our careers and work colleagues.

Archangel Chamuel helps us to resolve, heal and strengthen all of our relationships and assists with connecting us to our ‘inner child’.

Archangel Chamuel helps us to build strong foundations in our lives and assists us with our life purpose or soul mission.

Archangel Chamuel also assists us to heal from past abuse, abandonment and/or neglect.

Essential oils to invoke assistance from Archangel Chamuel are: (italicized oils are best)
  • Benzoin 
  • Chamomile
  • Frankincense
  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Mandarin
  • Melissa
  • Neroli
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood

SANDALWOOD A gift from the heavens.
Chamuel gently opens the open the heart chakra with her essential oil of Sandalwood and teaches us the importance of BOTH giving and receiving pure unconditional love.
Sandalwood helps to heal deep emotional wounds dispelling emotions which block the heart centre such as grief.
GERANIUM Geranium brings us closer to the angels of purity and the angels of love.
It balances the emotions dispelling anxiety and nervous tension and uplifting depression.
Geranium possesses a very feminine energy and connects us with the angels of conception and birth. It may help infertility.
Geranium is greatly loved by Archangel Chamuel.
ROSE The heavenly fragrance of rose will immediately transport you to the etheric realms.
You feel the angels' wings gently unfolding you in an embrace of unconditional love.
Rose otto brings your consciousness close to the angels of love, beauty and forgiveness and touches the very depths of the soul.
The aroma has a profound effect on the heart alleviating sorrow, bitterness and resentment and awakening love and compassion.
As you breathe in the fragrance of rose you are drawing in the pure love of the angels.

To open and heal the Heart Chakra and to invoke Archangel Chamuel’s assistance with love, joy and happy relationships, the following essential oils can be used:

  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Coriander
  • Jasmine
  • Myrtle 
  • Orange 
  • Palmarosa
  •  Rose 
  • Vanilla 
  • Yarrow 
  • Ylang Ylang

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Angels and Aromatherapy; About Archangel Raphael

all angel art by Marius Michael-George

About Archangel Raphael, Essential Oils Attuned to Archangel Raphael, Colors and Gemstones / Crystals Associated with Archangel Raphael, and Prayer / Meditation Asking for Raphael's Assistance

When working with angels, it's nice to add a lovely touch of aromatherapy, not only to strengthen the connection, but maybe even help "call" specific angels for certain requests, as well as adding a beautiful scent 'aura' to the space you're working in, it can also help you get in the right 'mind-frame' to accomplish your task.

Read the rest of my article on yahoo voices here.

These three essential oils best for Raphael:
The ancient aroma of cedarwood draws Archangel Raphael and his army of healers close to us.
This is an excellent oil for any health practitioner - orthodox or comlementary.
Archangel Raphael looks after our health on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. He encourages us to take responsibility for our own health and to take the necessary steps to recover.
Archangel Raphael gives us wholeness and unity.
MYRRHMyrrh is for those souls who are deeply wounded by their traumatic experiences both in this and past lives. It enables troubled souls to let go and move on in this life. Myrrh enables us to go deeply inside ourselves taking us to the root of our problems.;
Myrrh assists Archangel Raphael to heal deep wounds.
Avoid during pregnancy
Spearmint helps us to connect with the grounding aspect of Archangel Raphael.
It gives us stability on all levels which is very necessary for our health - particularly our mental and emotional health.
Spearmint is an ideal oil for pain relief and also gives us energy and vitality.
A wonderfully balancing and ;healing oil for connecting us with Archangel Raphael.