
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Clear the Way for Connecting with Angels Essential Oil Blend

all angel art by Marius Michael-George
If you are interested in angel work, or connecting with your angels then first you've got to clear the way for them to enter your space.
This article I wrote on will help you create a special essential oil blend to do just that.

You might also wish to play a specific angelic cd or music that will help set the mood for your "connecting with angels" time.

A spiritual cleansing of a sort is needed to clear the way for you to be able to connect fully with your spiritual side, as well as for angels to be able to give you clear messages.

Also be sure to read another hub I wrote called:
A Guide To Connecting With Your Angels- this guide is the perfect place to begin your angelic connection work.

1 comment:

  1. How to seek Angels as your True Saviour / NITIN MOHAN

    Human beings are always wandering for seeking love, affection, compassion and happiness from family, friends and relatives but still not getting fully satisfied and are forced to lead same stressful life. Or maybe they are not seeking these things from Right place. For all these people Right Place is ANGELS. They have the potential to make life better for everyone and can answer all of Your questions. You can make them your Saviour and see how they will act as your guardians and will always guide you for good. Angelic help are not time bound and you can seek for their help at any time, and they always help.
