
Monday, October 29, 2012

helpful links for natural perfumery

If you love making natural perfumes, or are just interested in the essential oils,  flowers, resins and plants involved in the process, you may find these links (from WhiteLotus aromatics) worth a gander:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Clear the Way for Connecting with Angels Essential Oil Blend

all angel art by Marius Michael-George
If you are interested in angel work, or connecting with your angels then first you've got to clear the way for them to enter your space.
This article I wrote on will help you create a special essential oil blend to do just that.

You might also wish to play a specific angelic cd or music that will help set the mood for your "connecting with angels" time.

A spiritual cleansing of a sort is needed to clear the way for you to be able to connect fully with your spiritual side, as well as for angels to be able to give you clear messages.

Also be sure to read another hub I wrote called:
A Guide To Connecting With Your Angels- this guide is the perfect place to begin your angelic connection work.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Belief of Angels in all Religions and Cultures

all angel art by Marius Michael-George

Why are there angels in all Religions & Cultures?

I've always wondered why there are angels woven throughout our entire world religious history. No mater what culture you come from, or what religion you believe in, there are angels present in it's folklore, ritual, or belief system.
Be sure to check out the rest of my article on hubpages (click link below):

Belief of Angels in all Religions and Cultures

Monday, July 9, 2012

Archangel Michael Essential Oil Blend

This is the original Yellowstar Essentials Archangel Michael Blend made with undiluted essential oils only. 
Carriers (as in carrier oils such as; Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Cocoanut, etc.) are added after your blend has a little time to meld together.   

Archangel Michael Blend 
all angel art by Marius Michael-George

TOP NOTES (drops) 
Elemi 10
Lemon 3 
Ravensara 3
Lemon Blossom 7
Bergamot 4

Jasmine 3 full drops
Rose 2 full drops
Neroli 3  full drops
Lavender 5
Hyssop 3

BASE NOTES (drops) 
Sacred Frankincense 3
Myrrh 2 full drops
Galbanum 2 full drops
Atlas Cedarwood 7
Star Anise 1
Sandalwood 3

If you want to use this blend for an anointing oil, perfume oil, or the like, add beeswax and carrier oils to the consistency you like. (wax must be melted and stirred into warm carriers, then cooled to see the thickness and consistency of your final product... it can always be remelted and more wax added). 

more info from;

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Beshter, Mikail, Sabbathiel, Saint Michael)

Archangel Michael’s name means ‘he who is like God’.
Archangel Michael’s functions are to oversee Lightworker’s life purpose and to rid all toxins associated with fear.  He also assists with bravery and heroic deeds.
Archangel Michael guides and directs people who feel unsure of their life purpose or soul mission, and provides guidance in regards to which positive steps to take.
Archangel Michael inspires leaders, bolsters courage, gives direction, energy and vitality, offers protection and motivation, and increases self-worth and self-esteem.

The essential oils to use for protection, security, safety, empowerment, releasing fears and overcoming obstacles with Archangel Michael are:

Anise Star  -  Aniseed  -  Black Pepper  -  Cajeput  -  Carnation  -  Clary Sage  -  Clove  -  Cumin  -  Elemi  -  Frankincense  -  Galbanum  -  Geranium  -  Ginger  -  Hyssop  -  Juniper  -  Lavender  -  Lime  -  Melissa  -  Mimosa  -  Myrrh  -  Niaouli  -  Oak moss  -  Palmarosa  -  Pimento Berry  -  Pine  -  Rosemary  -  Sage  -  Sweet Fennel  -  Tea-tree  -  Thyme  -  Valerian  -  Violet  -  Yarrow

To banish negativity and dispel phobias, apprehension and anxiety with the help of Archangel Michael, use one of the following essential oils:

Bergamot  -  Camphor  -  Chamomile  -  Eucalyptus  -  Hyssop  -  Lavender  -  Lime  -  Mandarin  -  Neroli  -  Peppermint  -  Rose  -  Sage  -  Sandalwood  -  Sweet Marjoram  -  Ylang Ylang

Friday, June 1, 2012

Essential oils for Archangel Gabriel

all angel art by Marius Michael-George
The use of fragrances and especially essential oil (because they are natural and pure)  is a very powerful tool for drawing Archangels and Angels close to you.

Each Archangel  has a similar vibration to particular essential oils. Aromas actually help us open up and heighten our consciousness making it easier for us to be more receptive to their help.

Essential oils because of their purity are particularly suitable for creating the vibration of love, which is ideal for attracting the angelic realms.

Purification / Guidance / Inspiration

Archangel Gabriel’s name means ‘God is my strength’.

Archangel Gabriel is a ‘messenger’ angel, and she assists ‘human messengers’ and parents.

She helps those whose life purpose involves the arts and communication, and those who deliver spiritual messages.

Archangel Gabriel is also the angel of motivation and positive action.

The high vibrational light of Archangel Gabriel can be called upon to clear yourself, others and any spaces of negative energies

 Essential oils to use to summon assistance from Archangel Gabriel are: (italicized oils are especially preferred)
  • Angelica seed 
  • Anise Star - 
  • Basil -
  • Bay -  
  • Bergamot
  • Benzoin - 
  • Carrot seed 
  • Cinnamon - 
  • Clary Sage - 
  •  Coriander - 
  • Dill seed - 
  • Elemi - 
  • Helichrysum or Immortelle
  • Lemon Verbena - 
  • Linden Blossom - 
  • Melissa - 
  • Mimosa - 
  • Myrrh - 
  • Narcissus - 
  • Neroli - 
  • Ravensara - 
  • Rose - 
  • Spearmint
ANGELICA SEEDAs its name suggests angelica seed has a strong affinity with the angelic realms. It enables us to create heaven on earth. Angelica is ideal for use on sceptical and spiritually bereft individuals who feel that they have no connection with or have lost their links with the heavenly hosts. It helps to open up the intuition and become more in touch with ones higher self. Angelica seed puts us on the road to purity and enlightenment. It links us with Archangel Gabriel.
Avoid during pregnancy 
Useful for opening up our third eye and giving us visions and insight. It enables us to see our angels more clearly and to receive the angelic messages with insight and clarity. Carrot seed helps us to 'know' who is from the light.
Bergamot helps to purify the body, mind and spirit. It removes feelings of uncleanliness. It helps to purify the auric field and will draw pure like-minded souls towars you who are on the angelic pathway. An excellent oil to use to draw Archangel Gabriel close to you .
Avoid after strong sunlight. unless you purchase (BF Bergamot - bergaptene free bergamot)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Essential oils for Archangel Chamuel

all angel art by Marius Michael-George
Essential oils are a wonderful way to connect with angels, and of course the quality of the oils is essential when wanting a pure connection, but as long as you have the right intention and use the same oil or oils each time when trying to connect with the same angel or Archangel, you should be fine.
By using the same oils each time the brain remembers the scent and the connection more clearly, and the connection is stronger.

For love and aligning with the angelic realms
Chamuel embodies the principle of pure unconditional love

Archangel Chamuel’s name means ‘he who sees God’ or ‘he who seeks God’.  Archangel Chamuel is a ‘protector’ who oversees the protection of the world at large, as well as over our individual lives.

Archangel Chamuel assists us when we seek the important parts of our lives such as; relationships with friends, loved ones and others, as well as our relationships with our careers and work colleagues.

Archangel Chamuel helps us to resolve, heal and strengthen all of our relationships and assists with connecting us to our ‘inner child’.

Archangel Chamuel helps us to build strong foundations in our lives and assists us with our life purpose or soul mission.

Archangel Chamuel also assists us to heal from past abuse, abandonment and/or neglect.

Essential oils to invoke assistance from Archangel Chamuel are: (italicized oils are best)
  • Benzoin 
  • Chamomile
  • Frankincense
  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Mandarin
  • Melissa
  • Neroli
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood

SANDALWOOD A gift from the heavens.
Chamuel gently opens the open the heart chakra with her essential oil of Sandalwood and teaches us the importance of BOTH giving and receiving pure unconditional love.
Sandalwood helps to heal deep emotional wounds dispelling emotions which block the heart centre such as grief.
GERANIUM Geranium brings us closer to the angels of purity and the angels of love.
It balances the emotions dispelling anxiety and nervous tension and uplifting depression.
Geranium possesses a very feminine energy and connects us with the angels of conception and birth. It may help infertility.
Geranium is greatly loved by Archangel Chamuel.
ROSE The heavenly fragrance of rose will immediately transport you to the etheric realms.
You feel the angels' wings gently unfolding you in an embrace of unconditional love.
Rose otto brings your consciousness close to the angels of love, beauty and forgiveness and touches the very depths of the soul.
The aroma has a profound effect on the heart alleviating sorrow, bitterness and resentment and awakening love and compassion.
As you breathe in the fragrance of rose you are drawing in the pure love of the angels.

To open and heal the Heart Chakra and to invoke Archangel Chamuel’s assistance with love, joy and happy relationships, the following essential oils can be used:

  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Coriander
  • Jasmine
  • Myrtle 
  • Orange 
  • Palmarosa
  •  Rose 
  • Vanilla 
  • Yarrow 
  • Ylang Ylang

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Angels and Aromatherapy; About Archangel Raphael

all angel art by Marius Michael-George

About Archangel Raphael, Essential Oils Attuned to Archangel Raphael, Colors and Gemstones / Crystals Associated with Archangel Raphael, and Prayer / Meditation Asking for Raphael's Assistance

When working with angels, it's nice to add a lovely touch of aromatherapy, not only to strengthen the connection, but maybe even help "call" specific angels for certain requests, as well as adding a beautiful scent 'aura' to the space you're working in, it can also help you get in the right 'mind-frame' to accomplish your task.

Read the rest of my article on yahoo voices here.

These three essential oils best for Raphael:
The ancient aroma of cedarwood draws Archangel Raphael and his army of healers close to us.
This is an excellent oil for any health practitioner - orthodox or comlementary.
Archangel Raphael looks after our health on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. He encourages us to take responsibility for our own health and to take the necessary steps to recover.
Archangel Raphael gives us wholeness and unity.
MYRRHMyrrh is for those souls who are deeply wounded by their traumatic experiences both in this and past lives. It enables troubled souls to let go and move on in this life. Myrrh enables us to go deeply inside ourselves taking us to the root of our problems.;
Myrrh assists Archangel Raphael to heal deep wounds.
Avoid during pregnancy
Spearmint helps us to connect with the grounding aspect of Archangel Raphael.
It gives us stability on all levels which is very necessary for our health - particularly our mental and emotional health.
Spearmint is an ideal oil for pain relief and also gives us energy and vitality.
A wonderfully balancing and ;healing oil for connecting us with Archangel Raphael.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Good Essential Oils for Working With Angels

photo by Candice Collins

Grounding Essential Oils
Atlas Cedarwood, Frankincense, Galbanum, Myrrh, Patchouli, Sandalwood,Spikenard, Vetiver, Virginian Cedarwood

Cleansing/Purifying Essential Oils
Atlas Cedarwood, Cypress, Common/Dalmation Sage, Hyssop, Juniper Berry,Lemon, Lime, Myrrh, Peppermint, Spearmint, Virginian Cedarwood

Essential Oils to Use When Expressing Gratitude/Giving Thanks
Lemon Blossom, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lemon, Lime, Neroli, Orange, Ylang Ylang

Essential Oils for Enlightenment
Basil, Cypress, Frankincense, Helichrysum, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Spikenard

Essential Oils to Cope with Grief
Bergamot, Orange, Lemon Blossom, Frankincense, Helichrysum, Neroli, Rose, Sandalwood

Other Essential Oils Said to Aid Spirituality
Sandalwood, Bay Laurel, Cassia, Cinnamon, Clove, Fir Needle, Ginger, Lavender, Myrtle,
Scotch Pine, Spruce